Pushing Yourself Past the Plateau

It’s easy to see your progress when you start something new.  But once you reach a certain skill level, you plateau.  You feel like you’re stuck and your growth slows down.

An example is when you’re learning a new language.  Starting out you learn how to say something new every day.  Months later, you don’t feel like you’re progressing like you were.  It feels like you are no longer improving.

You can plateau with anything you do – your business, your diet, learning something new.  So, how can you overcome this frustrating situation? 


Check Your Plateau Analytics for a Change 

Maybe a change has occurred that you didn’t realize.  Check your analytics for your sales, traffic, and demographics over the past year.  Check to see if something has occurred that could cause your business to stop growing and become stagnate.  What can you do to overcome this?

Your plateau may not be the result of something you’re doing.  It could be that something has changed in the world or market that’s influencing your growth.  How can you change and adapt to what’s going on? 


Chart Your Plateau Progress 

You may be growing but unable to see it.  It’s easy to see you’re learning when you first start out but becomes harder as you get better at it.  Review your progress and all that you’ve achieved.  Write these down somewhere and track your progress so you can review all the progress you’ve made so far.


Get Productive Feedback 

Sometimes plateauing is a matter of perception.  You may need some stern criticism and productive feedback but are instead surrounded by people who only pat you on the back.  Spend time with people that are at the next level where you want to be.

 When you adopt the growth mindset you can prevent and deal with plateauing more effectively.  This is the belief that humans evolve and develop over time, not as something static or fixed.  Overcome the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you from growing further.

An example is when you’re learning a new language.  Starting out you learn how to say something new every day.  Months later, you don’t feel like you’re progressing like you were.  It feels like you are no longer improving.

You can plateau with anything you do – your business, your diet, learning something new.  So, how can you overcome this frustrating situation? 


Change Your Plateau Strategy 

If you find yourself on a plateau, it’s the universe telling you to change your strategy.  What worked before to nurture growth is no longer working.  A positive way to see it is that you’ve become way too good at what you’re doing.

We have to meet consistent challenges in order to grow.  The current challenges are challenging enough.  It means it’s time to try something new. 

Maybe it’s time to launch different product types.  Maybe you’ve done all you can with your current audience and it’s time to branch out.  Look into some new marketing strategies you can add to your mix. 

 When you adopt the growth mindset you can prevent and deal with plateauing more effectively.  This is the belief that humans evolve and develop over time, not as something static or fixed.  Overcome the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you from growing further.

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