7 Easy Steps to Creating and Profiting with Digital Products Born from Private Label Rights Content

There is no faster way to create high-quality digital products than to start with Private Label Rights (PLR) content – also known as done-for-you content.

You may decide to use the PLR content as the entire product, or specific sections of your end-product, but even stitching together done-for-you content with original material is much, much easier than starting from scratch. But you must understand and follow the 7 simple steps provided below to profit from those products. And that’s the point, right? Your goal is to come up with a top-of-the-class product that you will be proud to author.
Step 1 – Choose Your Niche (area of focus)
We could do an entire course on choosing your niche, but let’s keep it simple today. First, realize that it’s very important to choose what you want to offer to your customers that they actually want before getting started. When selecting a niche, look for:
  • a rabid, hungry following that is highly engaged in the topic
  • a hungry following willing to spend money – are they actually buying products
  • a topic that has legs – in other words, you can dig deep into many sub-niches to continue working in that niche for a long time
  • a community that discusses the issues and desperate problems facing those people in that niche
  • solutions to those problems that you can provide with digital information
A few popular topics include making money, sports, losing weight, health and wellness, getting organized, and many more. Dig into keywords and Google searches to uncover profitable niches where people are buying and that you can enjoy for a long time.
Step 2 – Find PLR Content in that Niche
There are essentially 4 ways to use PLR content after you purchase it.
  • Simply use all or most of the PLR for your digital product (depending on the copyright terms), which will make the creation process faster.
  • Edit the content lightly to put your voice and writing style on it.
  • Rewrite it completely to make it your original content by adding content, validating the content, and re-organizing the content.
  • Building on the content to add create larger higher-ticket courses with PowerPoint presentations, video, audio, workbooks and more. We’ll talk about this more in the next step.
Step 3 – Add Existing Content or Additional PLR
To really have a top-of-the-class digital product, you’ll want something that is unique even though you started with done-for-you content. You don’t have to make yours unique.
  • First, make sure your content is up to date.
  • Then, make sure it includes your branding and your stylesheets so it’s uniform and it includes YOUR web color palette.
  • Change and update the images
  • Add any related and existing content or additional PLR on the same topic to beef up the product. This alone ensures that no one else is selling the same product as you
  • Repurpose what you already have and compile that as an added extra bonus if it’s appropriate and high quality
  • Integrate all of this together to make sure they fit well with good transitions and your voice.
Step 4 – Attach Audio and Video
We mentioned this earlier, but remember our goal is to create a top-notch digital product. In today’s world, that means adding video. And once you have video, you can easily add audio files as well. They also make your digital product better. Going the extra mile here makes your digital product outstanding – or at least stand out if the content is really good.
Step 5 – Add Graphics to Content
The right graphics communicate your message really fast. And if you’ve got poor graphics, the message is that this product is crap. Make sure you create good cover graphics as well as interior graphics that illustrate important points in your product. You can get good, inexpensive work done on Fiverr or UpWork or in many of the freelancing sites.
Step 6 – Compile Content into Deliverables
The easiest method for delivering digital products is to create PDF files, mp4 video files, and mp3 audio files. Then, package them up into Zip files (archived and compressed) and create a download link for buyers. That’s the easiest, not the smartest. The smart way is to create a simple protected membership and host all the material behind a secure wall. That way, people have to come back to your site to view any video, download the PDFs and possibly buy something else from you.
Step 7 – Create the Marketing Materials and Promote the Product
This is the part most people forget. They go to all the trouble of creating the product and then do a lackluster job of promotion. This is not a marketing course, but just a reminder that this has to be done if you want to be profitable. You’ll need:
  • Sales Page – focus on the benefits of the product
  • Autoresponder – for delivering the confirmation and access to the product
  • Membership platform – this can be very simple. There are even WordPress plugins that will suffice for your first products.
  • Website – of course, a place to call home
  • Payment Processor – Simply a way to collect money. Could be PayPal or a Merchant Account – don’t make it complex.
You should start promoting the new product as soon as it is ready. Don’t hesitate. You can likely be making money within a short time if you already have an audience for the product that you’ve created. And if you did the niche research, you do.

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